DCDS Training Organisation Handbook

The Training Organization Handbook aims to provide guidance to organisations that want to use the DCDS system after the end of the DCDS project to pursue the same general objectives.

The guidelines, being addressed to organisations responsible for user training, are related to two coordinated but distinct areas:

  • Activities for users: self-assessment, indication of training needs, choice of learning pathways to satisfy them, training of users, validation of skills and competences acquired by users.
  • The technical, organizational and professional resources to be made available to conduct, guide and control the activities for users.

All user activities have generated specific documents and manuals during the DCDS project, some of them reviewed after the training pilots carried out in five partner countries. These are specific and systematic documents, which represent the accessible knowledge base for any problems that may arise from conducting activities. Therefore, this handbook will dedicate to the activities of self-assessment, training and validation only very synthetic references, referring for a more systematic treatment to the documents already available.

The focus here will be rather on the viewpoint and problems of the organizations: the options that training organizations can choose about using the DCDS system; the organizational commitment that comes from choosing a certain perspective of use or another; the technical and professional resources that must be employed, the skills (in particular of teachers and tutors) that are required.
