Asociētie partneri

ANBPR - National Association of Libraries and Librarians in Romania

The National Association of Public Librarians and Libraries in Romania – ANBPR is the most representative professional organization of librarians in Romania, including over 3,300 active members in 41 counties and has promoted for the last 28 years the concept of a public library system at the community level by providing services tailored to the current needs of library users in Romania. ANBPR is a non-governmental and non-profit organization interested in social inclusion services for disadvantaged people and is committed to widening the participation in cultural education, through links with local communities having experience in providing cultural services mostly in rural areas. ANBPR is promoting a dialogue amongst main cultural "actors" in rural or urban areas of Romania: librarians, writers, artists, curators, teachers, educators or any other promoter of universal cultural and spiritual values at local level, using as main ”scenes” the public libraries in Romania. Since its establishment, in 1990, ANBPR has aimed to coagulate, in a form of association at national level, the needs and expectations of the librarian profession, to promote a nationwide system of modern public libraries.

Ervet Spa – Regione Emilia-Romagna

Ervet is the "in-house" company of Emilia-Romagna Region operating as a regional development agency in support of its territorial development policies. In this contest, Ervet supports Emilia-Romagna Region in the implementation of the Digital Agenda - ADER 2015-2019 aimed to boost the digital growth of the regional territory. Ervet promotes projects aimed to increase digital competences collaborating with schools at different level of education. Projects are also aimed to contrast the digital gender gap and to facilitate social inclusion for disadvantages people.

Ministry of National Education

The Ministry of National Education is the body of the Romanian Government that coordinates the education system in Romania, establishes the objectives of the education system as a whole, as well as the educational objectives by levels and educational profiles.

In exercising its power, the Ministry of Education consults, as appropriate, the national scientific societies of the teaching staff, the representative trade union federations at branch level, the associative structures of the local public administration authorities as social partners, and the student organizations recognized at national level.

Regione Umbria - Agenda Digitale

The Umbria Digital Agenda (#AdUmbria) proposes an idea of future, a vision of Umbria in the digital era. As a priority, it tackles the development of the economy of knowledge, crucial for the future of Regione Umbria. The agenda is a participatory and collaborative path aimed at defining shared commitment among public and private bodies operating in the region for the development of the information society and knowledge in Umbria.

The Technological Literacy Plan of Extremadura, managed by AUPEX

The Technological Literacy Plan -PAT- is a programme funded by the Junta de Extremadura - Education and Employment Board - through the Extremadura Public Employment Service (Sexpe), managed by the Association of Popular Universities of Extremadura (Aupex). The Technological Literacy Plan is structured around lines of work that, starting from a changing reality, seek the digital inclusion of citizenship, the improvement and adaptation of the professional profiles of unemployed people, especially young people and disadvantaged groups, as well as as the impulse to entrepreneurship and social and business innovation in Extremadura.

Ventspils Digital Center

Ventspils Digital Center is a public institution of the municipality. The aim of Ventspils Digital Center is to:

  • promote the involvement of Ventspils City Municipality, citizens and entrepreneurs in the information society and E-government;
  • active participation in the development of the information society and the implementation of E-government solutions at local, regional, national and international level;
  • maintain and develop information and communication technology infrastructure.

Ventspils Digital Center offers various non-formal education program courses in different IT areas for people of different age groups -starting from children which are 6 years old to seniors. On average, 2,500 adults and 1,600 children engage in educational activities every year.

Zemgale Region Human Resource and Competences Development Centre

Zemgale Region Human Resource and Competences Development Centre (ZRKAC) is a municipal educational institution. The aim of ZRKAC is to offer and provide lifelong education for each inhabitant of Jelgava city and Zemgale region.

ZRKAC acivtities are based on 3 main directions:

  • Development of Human capital - Person’s abilities for a fruitful and active economic activity, their knowledge, skills and experience
  • Development of Knowledge economy - Economy that develops based on the use of intellectual potential of people
  • Development of Information society - Society that has knowledge, ability and opportunity to acquire information, associate it with existing knowledge and use this new knowledge to improve prosperity

The offer of educational programs is aimed at the improvement of professional competences and development of personality; however, it is also for anybody who would simply like to broaden his/her outlook, like  - jobseekers, employees of different institutions, companies and organizations, entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs, school teachers, youth, parents, seniors and information society.
